Love – Day 5

When thinking about endurance, what comes to mind? A marathon, making it to the top of a mountain climb, childbirth, a cancer battle…the word endure means “to remain, not flee, persevere, and to bear bravely and calmly ill-treatment.”

Gods love gives us the ability to stick it out when most of us would run away. Who likes getting treated rudely or disrespectfully? Anyone who has a teenager has felt the sting of ill-treatment. Maybe you are the one with an attitude that lashes out at others. Drug addiction may have taken your family to the edge of giving up on a loved one.

Yet, Gods love endures all things! Whatever the sin, He never gives up on drawing us back. He will endure to the end. The definition not only says “bear bravely” BUT “calmly,” which is the more difficult of the two. Calm in the face of difficulties is the very example of the love of God.


God, show me the areas where I lack, create chaos, and emotionally walk away from others, where I am anything BUT brave and calm. Fill me with Your enduring love that nothing and no one can move. Amen

Call to Action

At Christmas, endurance is the name of the game. We only have to make it until the end. Simply crossing the finish line is not the life God has for us. Jesus wants more. In what area can you bear bravely and calmly in all things? Now, lay that area at Jesus’ feet! He is faithful. His love endures forever.