Over 60 | CLASSICS

Classics is a ministry at LCC Redding committed to seeing restoration through Jesus Christ in the lives of those over 60 years old. We provide opportunities for those over 60 to meet together, be active and help others.


We meet every Monday from 10:30am-11:30am (except Holidays) for a fun-filled hour of exercise. The focus is strength and balance. All fitness levels are welcome to attend.


We desire to provide larger gatherings for a great time of food and fellowship. Here we can join friends or meet new ones! Luncheons are free of charge. The days, times and where to register are advertised on the LCC socials and in our weekly video announcements leading up to each luncheon. Registration is requested to help us know how many to prepare for. You can visit register.lccredding.org to register for this and other LCC events, ministries, and outreaches.


Every so often we desire to host fun, family-friendly movies for our church body. Snacks are provided as well. Dates and times will be announced ahead of each event.