Love – Day 4

Biblical hope is looking to the future with assurance. Many look to the future, but only some have assurance. Why is that? Without love, the love of God specifically, this is impossible. Without God, the future looks dim, uncertain, and fearful.

A looming diagnosis, an unsaved loved one, and a sick child all shake our future hope. There may even be financial insecurity, especially during the holidays. And still, the love of God holds our future in HIS HANDS, and therein is where our hope lies! He is willing and able to hold onto all our tomorrows and future hopes and dreams. ALL THINGS. We can choose love. We can rest in His love that not only hopes all things” for us but the very best for us!

When we rest and trust the love of God, we can hope all things for others as well. Even with hopes dashed and prayers not answered as we have prayed, we have the HOPE, the assurance that the love of God answers His will for their lives.


God, I submit my will and heart to You, assured that You hold my future. May all my hope be in You and You alone. May I not trust in my understanding but hope in Your sovereign will. I love You, Amen.

Call to Action

Make a list of the things you are hoping for. Not your Christmas list, but your prayer list. Could you confidently say that you are looking at your list for the future with assurance? Put on the love of God and review your list again with new eyes. Make a choice this week; whatever the outcome of your prayers, believe that love hopes ALL THINGS because of the love of God.