“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God…” 1 John 4:1

Test the Spirits

As we bumble along in this life, we become accustomed to the world and its ways. Without any effort on our part, life happens. Culture surrounds us with the thoughts and philosophies of men. We are inundated with news, music, entertainment, politics, commerce and various religious beliefs. This becomes our truth and our reality if we let it be so. But as the ancient text reminds us, there is a more excellent way.

We need to be aware of what spirit is behind all these things. It is either the spirit of God or the spirit of the world. Consider how your life would be different if you tested the noise and static of life to discern what spirit promoted it. What would you include that you have presently omitted or neglected? What would you discard and reject as being vain and useless?

John reminds us the world speaks of the things of the world. The world denies the wonderful reality of Jesus, Son of God and Son of man. The world denies creation by a good and kind Creator. The world glorifies violence and hatred and murders. The world steals and kills and destroys. The world reflects the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. And the world hears it all and accepts it gladly.

Ah, but God is greater than the world. God speaks and creation ignites in beautiful glories. God speaks life and hope and peace. God speaks and there is both justice and mercy. God speaks in harmonies of wisdom and beauty. God speaks in redeeming love and grace. God speaks and true believers hear and respond in faith.

What are we listening to? Test the spirits.

Father may our ears pick up Your slightest whisper to our souls. Warn us of the temptations and traps of the world that look good on the outside, but offer only rottenness and corruption within. Grant us hearts of discernment and souls that hearken swiftly to You. Jesus, You are our Shepherd and we shall know the Shepherd’s voice. Amen.