“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” 1 John 2:17

 All She Wanted Was a Little Bit of My Time

I am so busy. I have things to do, places to go and people to see. I don’t have time to have coffee or lunch with you, Mother. I don’t even have time to have coffee with my friends. My schedule is full.

All she wanted was a little bit of my time.

I saw a poster while on vacation one year in Yosemite. It was a picture of a bear lying in the road with tire tracks across his belly and a car speeding away. The caption read “All I wanted was a cookie”. When I think of my mother wanting to spend a little time with me I can picture her as that bear and my tire tracks running over her because I’m so busy.

All she wanted was a little bit of my time.

Her family was everything to her. I can imagine how devastated and lonely she must have felt after my dad died. Their little dog passed away shortly before my dad. Her friend lived far away and distance, age, and money kept them from visiting in person. She must have been lonely.

All she wanted was a little bit of my time.

When I was away at college, I decided to drive up to see my grandmother about an hour and a half away from the college. I am so thankful for the time spent with her that day. I ran some errands for her, got her some groceries, picked up a prescription, but the time spent together was so very precious.

We had such a sweet conversation about the Lord. I asked her if she was afraid of dying. She said, “No, I’m not afraid of death itself because I know I will be with Jesus, but I am afraid of the process. Will it be painful? I don’t want to be a burden on my family.” She appreciated that visit with me.

All she wanted was a little bit of my time.

I never had a conversation like that with my mother. I always felt there would be more time later. Later never came. I never got to spend that time I promised, or watch the TV movie with her. She was patient and understanding, but…

All she wanted was a little bit of my time.

“Lord, You have told us in Your word to visit the widows. Help us to look around and see the lonely. Show us women that we could visit and bless with a little bit of our time. There are women that are no longer able to drive and would love some company. Help us to use our time wisely so we do not miss opportunities to bless our mother, grandmother, sister, a lonely friend, or even a lonely stranger. Amen.”