“Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.” Psalm 143:10

Lead Me Back Home

Last spring in our orchard, we encountered a turtle alongside our drip irrigation line. I named her Mrs. Turtle and enjoyed the short period she stayed in our orchard. Mrs. Turtle settled close to the drip emitter and dug deep enough to immerse herself in the cool mud. I was perplexed as to why she traveled at least the mile trek from nearby ponds. The trip most likely took her several hours walking across the dry and dusty land.

Many questions flashed through my mind. Was she hoping to find a better home? Was she searching for the right mud to hatch her eggs? Was her family longing for her? Was she trying to find other prodigal turtles on the run? Will she find her way home across the desolate terrain?

Then it occurred to me that when I journey away from God’s will, I, too, end up in a foreign land. Perhaps it could be a decision or change of path which I made for my own selfish self instead of waiting and listening to God. When I am determined to set my mind in “my” own comfort or to stay within “my” own security, I miss what God has prepared for me. Can I make my way back from a desolate place to a safe and secure homeland with God? Emphatically, “YES!” In Deuteronomy 31:6 God promises He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Our God is merciful and forgiving. He rescues us when we are in need. “To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against Him” (Daniel 9:9). I want to be an obedient daughter and follow God’s path of light according to His will—to desire His power to work in my life to transform and renew me wherever He will lead me.

“Father, restore in us a desire to continually look for You in our everyday lives. Let us hear your Word and lead us to Your goodness when we stray away. We are eternally Yours.”

P.S. Mrs. Turtle departed after several hours. Perhaps God led her back “home”!