“Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, ‘Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,’ even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You.” Psalm 139:7-12

There’s No Dark Time of the Day

On this long unexpected journey that we’ve been on with its roller coaster dynamics, there have been so many emotions. There have been good days. There have been hard days. There have been times when it seems like the sun is shining brightly. And there have been times when it feels like the darkest of nights.

I was having one of those down days recently when it seemed like so many things were weighing on my heart—and my body was struggling with some of the treatments I’m walking through. I was choosing to worship and praise the Lord in the midst of the hard day, but I could feel the heaviness of things.

Verse 12 stood out to me like it was printed in bold type! When we feel we’re going through darkness—through hard days—God’s light is continually shining in all its might and brightness into our souls because darkness and light are the same to Him. His presence, His power, His strength, His help, His grace is the same 24/7. There is no “dark” time of the day in His provision. The “night shines like day” with our wonderful God.

When I was so weak and frail from my treatment, and I wasn’t sure I was going to make it, there were times in the lonely hours of the night when I would lay awake. I would think of the light of His presence shining into my room, warming me, keeping me company, holding my hand, and helping me get through the night.

“Father, no matter how hard or how dark our trial seems to be, the light of Your presence is always shining because darkness is as light to You. What a comfort and strength that is on the hard days! I am so grateful that Your right hand holds me fast! We can’t get away from Your presence. You are with us continually! How faithful You are. Amen.”