Love – Day 2

What does it mean to bear all things? It would take an immeasurable amount of strength to bear the weight of all things. Without the love of Jesus, it would be impossible for us to bear all things. But in this verse, bear means “to cover,” which takes a different strength altogether.

How often do we perceive weakness in family and friends and then waste no time pointing it out to them or sharing it with others? Doing so exposes the covering that love should bear. Is it possible to live where Love stands in the presence of a fault, with a finger on her lip?” (Spurgeon)

The verse doesn’t say love bears a few things or covers something every once in a while. It says love bears all things. Spurgeon had the right idea; he says love stands in the presence of fault.


Jesus, thank You that You stand in the presence of my faults before the Father. You are my covering; Your love bears all things. Help me to love like You do! Amen.

Call to Action

Lets put the visual in our mind of a finger on our lips in the presence of faults. Holiday family gatherings often bring up old wounds, and our lips can drive those wounds deeper still. But a simple finger to our lips will help remind us that love covers ALL THINGS!