He Is Working!

“I have set the Lord always before me.  Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8

Recently I had two complicated issues I had been trying to work out for two years. I eventually found the right people to help me, and it all fell into place. It’s “done and dusted” as they say! I’m not a dancer, but I felt like dancing. I did walk around the house saying “hallelujah, thank You Jesus” over and over again. Seeing these two difficult things get worked out definitely boosted my faith to trust Him for other things I was working on, too!

I definitely saw the Lord’s hand at work. He uses the hard times, the difficult times to help us grow. As we reach out to Him, trust Him, ask for the impossible…He finds a way through the hard situations. I definitely saw that in these two situations. I am so grateful.

During the years that Floyd was hospitalized, I would stand by his bed and remind him that even though he was in a season of silence, his “voice” was still being heard. I would share testimonies of that with him. Sometimes he shed a few tears. Other times he gently smiled. Often he just listened intently and would try to make sounds to speak. I know it encouraged him—and it was true. His “voice” of things he had ministered was ongoing.

Mary Ho, our All Nations International Executive leader, recently visited Malawi. Several of the leaders there mentioned how Floyd had mentored them, and they were carrying on with what he had taught them. It was so encouraging to hear this and reminded me again that Floyd’s “voice” is still being heard. I wish I could tell Floyd about it!

These answers to prayer and testimonies speak loud and clear to me of God’s goodness and faithfulness. I was reminded afresh that sometimes the answers to our prayers take time. We can’t give up hope if we don’t see immediate answers. I wish we could see all the ways God is working to answer our prayers. I think we would be amazed!

“He is the Rock; His deeds are perfect.  Everything He does is just and fair.  He is a faithful God who does no wrong; how just and upright He is” (Deuteronomy 32:4)!

Lord, even though it sometimes takes a while to accomplish Your purposes, You are always working on our behalf. Help us be patient and watchful. You are mindful of every prayer we pray! Thank You, Lord. Amen.