“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me.” Revelation 3:20 NIV

Welcome the Lord

My grandma believed that your front porch area should be swept and cleaned daily, ready to receive guests at any moment. I remember helping her early each morning while the air was still cool. I often questioned why it needed to be done each morning. How could it possibly already be dirty—we had just done it the day before! 
And yet, each day, there were some stray leaves or cobwebs that needed tending. My grandma loved entertaining and hosting guests, and she always made everyone feel welcome in her presence as well as her home…but for her it always started it at the front door.

Today, with garages attached to homes, we often never go in our front door. I’ve been to many a lovely home, inside and out, and noticed their front door area needed some attention. I’m sure they never imagined how quickly their front porch could become an array of twigs, leaves and spiders complete with webs.  Sweeping is a simple task that could be completed with little effort, and yet it goes untended.

Often my heart goes untended. Twigs of indifference, a thought life full of cobwebs, sin piled up like strewn leaves all need daily attention. For Jesus and I to have rich, reciprocal relationship, for him to come in and eat with me, and me with him, I need to make myself ready DAILY, FIRST THING! I don’t want to strive in my relationship with Jesus.

I can prepare ahead of time; I can make Jesus feel welcome; I can live with great expectation that He is coming to be with me to enjoy our time together…oh Jesus, what a privilege.

 Lord Jesus, remind me in the cool of the morning to make my heart ready to receive You. May it begin with confession, continue with a washing of the Word, and may I greet You at the door of my heart with praise! Thank You for our earthly examples that stir our hearts and remind us of who we should be with YOU! Amen.