“I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.” Genesis 28:15

Construction Zone

In the valley where we live, there has been major road construction going on for over three years. It’s still not finished—the process seems endless. Last month, it got much worse. Traffic has been an absolute nightmare! It’s not unusual to sit for 30-45 minutes just to move a couple blocks. A 20-minute trip has taken me over an hour several times.

I was sitting in this traffic a few days ago. People were getting frustrated. Some were impatient—honking their horns, waving their hands, flashing their lights, while taxis were trying to squeeze in and out between the cars to save a couple minutes. It was pretty much chaos.

As I sat, trying to pray and worship instead of getting frustrated, it hit me that this was a real-life picture of what has been happening in my life the last few years. Everything is blocked up. Things have been coming at me from all directions. Nothing is happening, little has changed, and it doesn’t seem like there is movement.

I realized that there is no choice but to wait! I must be patient. Getting upset or frustrated or even discouraged won’t help anything. For most of the situations in my life, there is little I can do. I pray, I trust the Lord, I continue making the best choices I know to make—but, ultimately, I have to patiently (sometimes not so patiently) wait…and wait…and wait. I have a feeling that some of you can identify with what I’m describing. You’re in the same boat—or the same car, so to speak.

I am confident that I am going to make it to the other side of this unexpected journey. Granted, I don’t know what the other side is going to look like! It may be healing for me or for Floyd. It may be heaven for one or both of us. I know there are answers to all the prayers that have been prayed. I know that God is at work in this season. My heart feels at peace. I’m able, by His grace, to be at rest in the chaos.

I don’t know how much longer the journey will be—days, weeks, months, years. The journey is as important as the destination. I think the same is true in my life right now. The journey, and all that God is doing on it, is important. Whatever the conclusion is—God is using the journey for His glory! I feel safe in His care. I trust Him. I know He is working for good in my life.

There are days when I am very tired of this journey we’re on—days when I don’t know if I can keep putting one foot in front of the other to walk on. And then I read verses like the ones above, and I know God will help me persevere! He is faithful. He has a plan, a destination in mind. I’ll keep holding His hand until I get there…even if the “traffic” is a big mess.

Lord, lead us in the way we should go. Amen.