“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23

Security Sensors

Security is a big issue here in South Africa. Unfortunately there is a lot of crime. It’s fueled by poverty, drugs, gangs, and greed. Burglar bars on the windows, security fences, neighborhood patrols, WhatsApp security messages, and alarm systems are all part of our life. We have alarms on the inside of our house, and also “sensors” on the outside to detect movement on the perimeter.

Floyd was very security conscious, especially when thinking of me being here frequently alone when he traveled. I feel he took care of me even before he got sick. I also have very lovely neighbors who help to watch out for me.

In recent weeks, our alarm has gone off three times in the middle of the night. As you can imagine, it’s “alarming.” Being rudely awakened and rushing to see what’s happening is not the way you want to wake up. The adrenalin rush makes further sleep almost impossible.

In one of the events, a neighbor’s cat had set off an outside sensor. The sensors are programed to try and prevent this from happening, but the cat must have walked right in front of the beam. We have a small storage shed, and the other two times a small lizard crawled over the sensor and set the alarm off.

The Lord began using these life events to speak into my heart. What came to me is that we are “on guard” against the “big” issues that can trip us up in our hearts. Those internal alarms work well for the most part! But what I really need to be on guard for is the small things. My thoughts, speech, attitudes, and responses—these smaller things are just as alarming and destructive in my walk with the Lord if I’m not careful.

As we’ve been walking along this unending, unexpected journey, I have been careful to guard my heart in not “blaming” God for anything. I have chosen trust repeatedly when facing things that I don’t understand. I’ve relied on His grace to cope with things that are beyond my control. I have called upon His mercy to have strength to endure. He has been faithful on every level!

But I do get weary… and I don’t want to let my guard down in the midst of weariness. These little creatures that have set off our security alarms have been a good reminder to me to be careful not to let “little” things in any way impact my walk with the Lord and my trust in Him.

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Lord, thank You for Your grace in caring for me, protecting me, and helping me on this unexpected journey. Help me do my part to guard my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.