“He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11

The Good Shepherd

Like a Rolodex card file spinning, images of Jesus flashed through my mind the other day. I’m sure you’ve seen them. Jesus as a baby in Mary’s arms, Jesus standing at the handleless door knocking, Jesus walking with a flock of sheep carrying a lamb, Jesus kneeling in prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, just to name a few of Warner Sallman’s artwork. These images graced the walls of many of my family members’ homes and many Bible bookmarks as I grew up. While the images spun, I heard that still small voice say, “Do you know what I have done for you?”

Yes, Lord. You have:

Made me who I am—Psalm 139

You have stood at the door of my heart—Revelation 3:20

You have prayed for me—John 17:9

You have died for me—John 3:16

You have risen for me—Matthew 28:6

You have comforted me—2 Corinthians 1:2-4

You are preparing a place for me—John 14:1-3

You hold me together—Colossians 1:17

You shepherd me—John 10:11

The Good Shepherd is my favorite name for Jesus. I’ve always been partial to Mr. Sallman’s portrait of Jesus carrying the lamb, imagining that I am that lamb. As I mused over the images in my mind, one more came up that wasn’t Warner’s work. I have a print of it hanging on my wall and it sums up all the feelings that come with knowing Jesus as my Savior.

This precious portrait is by Katherine Brown. The look on the lamb’s face shows perfect peace and contentment in the Savior’s arms. May we rest today like that lamb and remember what He has done for us.

“Precious Jesus, thank You for all that You have done for us. As our town faces one more day in the aftermath of such terror and displacement, may we remember what You have done for us in the past and rest in what You will do today. I pray for Your perfect peace to rain down on the people of Redding and that you will gently lead them in the way they should go. In Your name, Amen.”