“And since we are His children, we are His heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share in His glory, we must also share in His sufferings.” Romans 8:17

Why Must We Suffer?

A friend recently sent me the above Scripture. The commentary my friend read said that our inheritance in Christ includes both His glory and His suffering. Our suffering now is proof that we will also share in Christ’s glory. That gives us strength to endure.

I’m not a fan of the suffering part! But this gave me fresh hope, encouragement, and perspective. I’m so grateful we don’t have to go through the hard times, the trials, and the suffering alone.  Jesus is right by our side helping us to make it through them!

“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Our time on this earth is just a “blip” in comparison to the eternity we will have with Him. The things He is working in our lives now are preparing us for that eternity with Him. I’m grateful for His help during this preparation time!

I’ve had a couple situations recently that have been very draining. I was explaining this to the Lord in my quiet time. I had a picture in my mind of a jug that was dry—bone dry. There was nothing left in the jug to pour out.

As I waited in His presence in worship, I felt the Lord saying that He was refilling the jug. I saw Him pouring clean, cool, refreshing water into the jug—filling it up to the brim. I’m so grateful that I can come to Him in my emptiness. He doesn’t turn me away. He doesn’t rebuke me for being empty. He just gently says, “I’ll refill you.” What a good God He is. He “restores my soul.”

And He faithfully helps me get through each trial. I could have never survived all these months without His help, His grace, His strength. How awesome He is!

Again and again I’m reminded that the best response to trials, to losses, to suffering, and to thwarted hopes is to worship and praise Him. It gets my focus turned in the right direction. I need to let go of things and look to Him—but never let go of His hand! As I worship Him, things get back into balance.

Yesterday on Mother’s Day I had a few sad moments. I was missing Floyd. He always made the day so special for me. As I lifted my sadness to the Lord in worship, the weight lifted and refreshing joy flooded my soul. Worship is so very powerful! I know it’s a “tool” God has given us. We lift up His name in worship—and He, in turn, ministers so deeply to our hearts. Only God could do that!

“Father, we know Your tool of suffering is doing a good work in us, so we thank You. Amen.”