“…One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters;…” Revelation 1:13-15

Looking Ahead

This afternoon, I had a sobering thought: most of my life is behind me. And I realized that the greater part of it has been spent looking ahead to something. I could hardly wait to get my driver’s license. To get married. To have children. To serve in the church. To buy a home, put up the white picket fence, grow red geraniums in the window box. Then I looked forward (with some dread) to the kids getting married, and then (with anticipation) grandchildren joining the family.

I still look forward to the next season, the next event, the next time away with my husband. But the really big stuff—life’s exciting milestones—seems to be behind me. Nothing too big looms large in my mind. I don’t look for a new thing, a big thing—the next thing—like I used to.

The longer I thought about all that is behind me, and how few exciting things seem to be ahead of me, the more depressing it was. I was getting positively morose when I suddenly had a new thought press through that gloom. God reminded me and gave me the hope of many things yet to come:

I will meet Jesus in the air! I will see His face at long last. I will feel His actual arms around me. I will hear angels sing, and see my Savior command His heavenly host. I will know complete peace, I will be at rest. I will live in a home built by Jesus. I will be called by my new name. I will see loved ones who have gone on ahead of me, and hear their voices again. I’ll never again be hungry, or thirsty, or afraid. I will sit at a banqueting table, walk on streets of gold, and enter through gates of pearl. I will see the very tree of life. Meet Eve and Sarah and Mary and Lydia. Embrace my little brother again.

I will see the smile of God, and hear His mighty voice of many waters.

When I am feeling old and useless, broken and worn down, I will look ahead at all God has promised to those who believe, and I will rejoice and be glad!

Father, thank You for Your great and precious promises, for they bring us the certainty of all that awaits us. Holy Spirit, bring new life to the weary and revive us to a new and living hope. Amen.