“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isaiah 40:29

Out on a Limb

When we find ourselves in the middle of testing, trials, and suffering, it can feel so insecure and vulnerable. We can feel like we’re “out on a limb” with no safety net under us.

Floyd often used an illustration in his sermons about the enemy harassing and attacking us. He said it’s like being out on a limb in something we’re doing for God… and we look back and see the enemy sawing the limb off. He said don’t panic—stand firm. The enemy will saw through the limb, and the tree will fall on the devil!

Wherever God leads us—whatever He has for us—it’s the safest place to be! It may feel risky. We may feel insecure. We may even be frightened. But we’re in good hands! We can hold tightly to His hand while we’re out on that limb. He won’t let us fall. In fact, because He is taking care of us, we’re safer on that limb than we would be anywhere else.

I confess that I don’t always feel safe on that limb when I’m walking through suffering and trials. But it’s so important that we stay rooted and grounded in God’s Word.

Paul David Tripp, in his book Suffering (Gospel Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense), says that it’s vital to tell ourselves the truth of what the Scripture declares when we’re going through testing and suffering. Not doing that will complicate and worsen our suffering. It will crush our hope when it needs to be bolstered. It will weaken our faith when it needs to be strengthened. It will leave our heart wondering and wandering when it needs to be rooted in peace. He asks the question: when suffering enters the door, where does our heart run? What do we fill our minds with?

He goes on to say, “Our hope is not found in understanding why God allowed suffering into our lives. Our hope is not found in the belief that somehow we will tough our way through. Our hope is not found in doctors, lawyers, pastors, family, or friends. Our hope is not found in ideas or things. Ultimately our hope rests in the faithful, gracious presence of the Lord with us.”

And I would add that our hope is found in the Word of God! Dr. Everek R. Storms of Word International Ministries went through the Bible and counted the promises of God. He found 8810 of them—7487 of them from God to man. When the load of testing and suffering becomes heavy, I find comfort and strength in going to the promises in the Word. I remind myself of them. I speak them out loud. I pray them.  I declare them to the enemy. I saturate my mind and my heart with them. God’s promises are sure and true! They bring a healing, strengthening balm to my hurting soul.

When I’m feeling out on that limb, I try to do everything I can to surround myself with the truth of God’s Word and His promises. Music, reading the Bible, putting post-it notes up to remind me—whatever helps.

“Father, You are with on every precarious limb of life. Thank You for holding on to us! Amen.”