“My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” Psalm 45:1

Writers Write

I discovered late in life that I could write. Once I understood that I had a knack for words and a way of expressing my thoughts on the written page, I embraced it.

Writing resonates with my heart. God has made me so, and has given me this gift. I find I delight in it. And yet there are times when the words do not come. I feel as though I have nothing to say. I rest in that.

Writers sometimes get “writer’s block.” Words, ideas, creativity evade them. That is when I pray and wait on the Lord. In due time He shows me a topic or sparks an idea in my imagination or I repeatedly run into the same theme in my Scripture reading. And with that, I am off and running—I mean, writing. I realize anew that it’s all Him. It is His gift given, His words I write, and His glory I seek. I am merely the pen of a ready writer.

Recently I asked my husband what book I should read next in my morning quiet time. He said, “Ezekiel!” Inwardly, I groaned. Old Testament prophet, gloom and doom, ugh! But I had asked and he had answered and so I opened the pages of my favorite, worn and tattered Bible to Ezekiel. Oh my goodness! I cannot tell you how much I am learning and how much is reaching my soul and teaching me about God and His ways.

In those first few chapters, I saw this ministry of writing portrayed. In Chapter 2, Ezekiel is filled with the Spirit. Then God tells him who his audience is: the children of Israel. Then God sends Ezekiel. He commissions him, then gives him the message. “I am sending you to them, and you shall say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God’” (Ezekiel 2: 4).

So, my sisters who write and my sisters who should write, note that we also are Spirit-filled, that we have an audience to the women of this church (and beyond), that we are God-sent and anointed, and that we write God-given words.

“Moreover, He said to me: ‘Son of man, receive into your heart all My words that I speak to you, and hear with your ears. And go, get to the captives, the children of your people, and speak to them and tell them, Thus says the Lord God, whether they hear, or whether they refuse’” (Ezekiel 3:10-11).

So I encourage you to wait upon the Lord and then to put to paper what He has given you. It is an honor to serve with you in the ministry. If you’re reading this and aren’t a writer, I hope this will inspire you to discover the gifts that God has given you to serve those around you. You may have a spiritual gift of administration, teaching, encouragement, or serving, just to name a few. His gifts are many and His plans are good. Is He not wonderful?!

Father, we are richly blessed to know You and to serve You as You have gifted us and called us. In this time, in this place, we will serve You! Amen.”