“And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back.” Luke 6:29b–30

Cheerful Coffee Givers

Why do I always think that giving is SO hard, as if I’m giving up “my” rights? I should remember from past experience how joyful and freeing the act of giving is. Nonetheless, I struggle almost every time a new opportunity arises. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t want to help people, I just want to help myself first!

In the coffee drive-through the other day, someone gave a friendly toot of their horn behind me to move forward. I responded by being a little irritated. The Holy Spirit’s voice corrected me, reminding me that I can still be a blessing even if someone else isn’t. I was then prompted to PAY for their drink order.

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

 After arguing in my mind against the idea, I made a choice to obey and in fact pay for their drink. I got up to the window and was getting ready to ask the barista how much was available on my gift card when she informed me that the lovely person in front of me paid for my order!

God’s perfect timing and orchestration of our daily lives was not lost on me. Sometimes I think, “Well, I really shouldn’t be too surprised since that is how He operates.” BUT I am grateful that it still gets me stirred up and excited each new time He works. I don’t want to take these moments for granted.

As I contemplated the irony that I was only getting a coffee this time and not some fun, fancy drink, I let her know that I, too, had planned on purchasing for the car behind me. She told me that whatever I contributed would be appreciated since the gentleman customer behind me usually had large orders. I had the required amount in cash and although a little begrudgingly at first, I realized that the amount was irrelevant. I needed to be a cheerful coffee giver!

As our pastors often remind us, we are all in ministry—it is just a matter of location. Someone once shared with me that when we do not give, we are essentially removing God’s protection and blessing from over our finances. The lesson of this devotion is not that we give to receive (although might be an unexpected surprise), but we give knowing that God has already met all of our past, current, and future needs.

“Thank You, Lord, for always stretching us and using us to bless those around us. Help us to be mindful of each divine appointment You have set up for us. Please bless that kind person who covered my coffee and may the gentleman in the car behind me know how loved by You he is.”