“It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning to the end of the year.” Deuteronomy 11:12

Watching Over Me

I’ve been talking to the Lord a lot these days about all that I’m facing. It’s come to me that the enemy wants us to panic when hard times come—or when we don’t see answers to our prayers when and how we want them. But God is never too late. His perspective of all that’s happening is so different from ours.

God wants us to trust Him—even when we don’t understand. If things look bleak or hopeless, He wants us to trust Him even more. Our trust needs to grow in times of crisis. The enemy would like it to diminish.

For trust to grow, we have to deal with our fears. The only way I know how to do that is to spend time in His presence, letting Him strengthen and encourage my heart. I speak out His promises. I worship Him. I ask Him to help my faith to increase. I ask Him to calm my anxiety. And I verbally tell the Lord that I refuse to let discouragement enter in, asking Him to help me.

One of the things I’ve realized in times of crisis and trials is that it’s easy for passivity and lethargy to enter in. We feel overwhelmed, and it’s hard to work up the strength to fight. But it’s so important to be active in seeking after God in hard times, pursuing the things I mentioned above. Passivity gives room for the enemy to play with our emotions. I don’t want to give him any openings.

A couple nights ago I found out that the International Space Station would be passing directly over us. It was a clear night, so I went out to look for it. It was quite amazing to see! It was so bright, so clear, and it actually felt closer than I expected. It was gone in minutes, but so special to see.

As I stood watching, I heard the Lord speak so clearly into my heart that just as that Space Station sees what’s going on below on earth as it constantly circles the globe, so He is constantly roaming the earth watching over us. I can’t see Him, but He’s there watching over me—and He won’t be gone in a few minutes. He’s with me, watching over me all the time.

I was thrilled to see the Space Station—but I was also very moved to hear His still small voice speaking encouragement to my heart! How loving and faithful He is! He’s with me in the midst of these challenging days.

“Father, we’re standing still in Your presence waiting for Your direction; we’re resting on Your eternal promises; we’re declaring our trust in Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”