“Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble.” Isaiah 35:3

Tow Boats    

A few days ago I looked out to the ocean and saw something unusual. I couldn’t quite make out what it was so I went to look in my telescope. (A few years ago, Floyd used some loyalty club points/coupons to buy me my telescope. He knows that I love to watch what’s happening on the ocean—the big ships, the fishing boats, the surfers, the whales and dolphins, all the constant activity going on. He saved up his points and got a good telescope for me. I use it all the time.)

As I looked through the telescope, I saw a large catamaran sailboat with what looked like a damaged sail. It was being towed into the harbor by two very small boats. It was such an unusual sight that I just watched it for a few minutes.

As I watched it, the thought came to me—we all need help at some time. Even the biggest and most powerful of us sometimes can’t manage, and we need help. Here was this beautiful sailboat that couldn’t make it back to the safety of the harbor. It had broken down, and needed two small, simple boats to pull it to safety. The two boats were so small that I actually wondered if they would manage to pull it all the way into the harbor, but they slowly towed it in.

During our unexpected journey, I’ve been keenly aware that I’ve needed the Lord’s help! But I’ve also needed help from those around me. I couldn’t have made it through the months of surgeries and chemo without sweet friends who stayed with me, encouraged me, and cared for me. I couldn’t have made it without my son and others who have driven me to appointments, and have done my grocery shopping and other errands.

And I certainly couldn’t have made it without all the prayer support! Thank you for every prayer you’ve prayed—long or short. Those entreaties lifted to the throne have sustained me. They’ve carried me through the roller coaster events that have come our way. They’ve helped cushion all the ups and downs. I’m so, so grateful for every whispered prayer.

God intends for our lives to be interwoven together. Some of you I don’t even know, but, through your prayers on our behalf, our lives have become linked together for eternity. Thank you for coming to our rescue in the place of prayer.

Floyd was always so strong and healthy. We talked at times that he would probably outlive me. He was a “giant” in some ways physically because of his stature, and he was also a giant spiritually. I could always lean on him. In my times of weakness, I knew he was there to support me. But, like that big beautiful sailboat, he became disabled, and I have needed help and support to keep going.

Thank you for being like those small boats to come to my rescue. As I watched the event on the ocean, my heart was filled with gratitude that my family, my friends, and all of you have helped keep me afloat. I’ve prayed for God to bless each of you.

“God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts.  Use them well to serve one another” (1 Peter 4:10).

“Thank You, Lord, for linking our lives together in such wonderful ways. Amen.”