“When He utters His voice—there is a multitude of waters in the heavens; He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; He makes lightnings for the rain; He brings the wind out of His treasuries.” Jeremiah 51:16

God’s Water Cycle

We’re all familiar with the earth’s water cycle that our Creator put into action in the beginning: water evaporates with unseeable vapors into the skies; clouds of the miniscule droplets form; life-giving rain is released upon the earth to begin again.

When I was learning to cook as a youngster, I saw this same process in miniature. Fire under a pot of water caused vapors to rise, and if I didn’t keep checking it, the pot would boil dry.

Here is a simple lesson to consider: A cooking pot is best used when heat has been applied, and it needs continuous refilling so that it won’t boil dry. And so it is with our spiritual inner person: to be used of God, He applies heat. He makes our hearts burn with His presence and purpose. We are “on fire” for Him. But we can easily boil dry if we don’t keep checking the water level. (If a pot isn’t being used, obviously this isn’t a problem. The pot is just sitting there, not doing what it was made for.)

God Himself is full, and His desire is to fill us with the fullness of Him. “…that you may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19).

Consider this: when Jesus was at the wedding in Cana, He commanded that the empty water pots be filled with water. The pots would have been satisfied to hold plain water—that is what they were created for, after all—but Jesus changed that water into wine. The best wine. No mere water would suffice for the purposes of the wedding feast. He always does beyond what we ask, or even what we think to ask. He especially delights in using us to do something unexpected.

If you are in the Lord’s service (and we all are), check your pot. Take at look at your insides and see whether you are dry, or whether you are being continually refilled by the Word and Presence of the Lord. And when He does fill you, watch and see what great things He will do.

“Lord, light the fire under those who are cold. Let Your heat burn in us until we boil with passion for You. Thank You for Your filling, and for doing in and through us more than we would have known to ask. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”