Joy – Day 3

Colorful lights, hot cocoa, the smell of evergreen boughs, brightly wrapped packages – they all speak of a happy holiday season. Yet, in time, the lights are taken down, the cocoa consumed, the tree drops its needles, the wrapping paper is torn and trashed, and life’s routine resumes.

But what of joy? How do we maintain this joy we have found in the Babe of Bethlehem, the risen Lord, and the coming King?

After His resurrection, Jesus explained many things to His disciples about who He was and how to live a new Spirit-filled life. Today, He still speaks. He has given us His words in Holy Scripture so that His joy will remain in us and our joy will be full. Joy is more than a temporary experience. As we treasure His Word, joy is imparted to our souls daily. Read and rejoice!


Father, thank You that the Word was made flesh. Thank You for the treasure of the Bible. You are an ever-flowing fountain of joy. Amen.

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