“Then the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” Genesis 3:9

Choices Matter

Walk His Way Revisited

Have you ever been really, really lost in a dark place, like a cave? The farther in you go, the more twists and turns there are. The narrow passageways just keep going until you are hopelessly lost. What began as a Saturday afternoon meander becomes a nightmare of terror from which you cannot emerge. After countless bends, corners, angles, and zigzags, crouching and crawling and squeezing through increasingly tight spaces, trying to find your way out, you finally must sit down and wait to be found.

The thing about caves is that we usually enter them innocently. We just want to look around. Check it out. I wonder where this will lead…. I wonder what’s just around that bend…. And suddenly, we realize we are in deeper and farther than we ever intended to go.

Sin is like that. Choices matter, every single time. Sin never lets you end up where you thought you’d end up.

But the introduction of even a nearly imperceptible light from a very great distance gives hope of being found and rescued—that is, if you want to be rescued. If not, then the approaching light causes you to hide ever deeper in the recesses of your dark place.

“And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed” (John 3:19-20).

No matter how dark your darkness is, God can see you. He is right there shining the light. Since He is omnipresent (everywhere at once), He is also outside of your darkness, calling you like He called Adam. “Where are you?” Make no mistake, He knows where you are—but He wants you to admit it to yourself.

“I am here, in this dark place. I didn’t know I would end up here. I can’t find my way out. I need Your help. Shine Your light and show me the way.”

The thing about lost people is that usually they aren’t only in a dark, convoluted cave, but they are also blind. How great is that darkness! They are deeply lost in lies, deception, cover up, hiding, excuses, fear, and doubt.

The Lord says to us, “Come out into the Light! I’ve come to get you! Don’t shrink back now… your deliverance is near!” And along with deliverance comes peace. Rest from running and hiding. The end of having to feel your way along the passageways and getting in even deeper.

Father, we come to the Light. We have loved darkness in some areas more than we loved the Light, but now our eyes are open. We need to be rescued, and we hear You calling us out. Thank You for loving us so much that You sent us a Light, Your beloved Son. Amen.