“A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24

Family Dinner

Relationships are like a savings account. After the initial investment it remains, but it is stagnant. It doesn’t grow. It doesn’t increase. You don’t get any richer unless you consistently make new deposits.

In our relationships with children, husband, friends, it is necessary to invest. It takes effort. It takes thought. It requires a willingness to take action, to contribute, and to participate in the growth and increasing value of our investment.

I am fortunate to have my family members within 10-20 minutes of my home. And yet, there were times when weeks would pass without any meaningful contact. Caught up in our own lives, we were losing connection with one another. Yes, we loved each other, but the ongoing touch and feel and rhythm of family was becoming lost in the mundane stuff of life. We weren’t making deposits.

Then one brilliant and gracious individual decided to have a family dinner once a week. All were invited. Food was lovingly provided for everyone. It was simple fare. If you wanted to come, come. If you didn’t, no worries, no guilt.  It was an invitation, not an obligation. Come and go as you will. Bring something to share or don’t. There was an open and accepting atmosphere extended to all.

Those dinners have been amazing. We share dishes and recipes. We have conversations around the table of what happened during the past week. We talk about hopes and dreams for the future. We support and encourage one another. We ask counsel of one another. We help out because we can, and we understand the needs now. We laugh at each other and ourselves. We remember past times, vacations, and our common history with great fondness. We are closer to one another and our relationships and understanding grow both deeper and richer. We are making deposits.

This model works spiritually as well. If we don’t invest time in prayer, in worship, in studying the Word, in fellowship—we are still saved, but our progress and maturity will be stagnant and stunted.

I am not suggesting everyone have a family dinner, but I am encouraging you to begin to make deposits. Those deposits may look totally different for you and yours. Begin to make investments in each other, in the church, in the community, in your faith toward God. You will be all the richer for it!

“Father, thank You for making deposits in our lives—Jesus, the Spirit, Your Word and promises. Your faithful care watches over us every moment. May we grow more like You as we make deposits in those around us. To God be the glory! Amen.”