“Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope.” Romans 5:3,4 TPT


During one of my recent “load-shedding” times, I needed to shred some papers. I put them in the shredder slot to be shredded when the electricity came back on. But I was careless in not realizing it was too many pages to shred at once. When the machine came back on, the papers got jammed. I had a real mess on my hands.

I had to spend quite a few hours hand picking the jammed paper out of the machine with a slim letter opener and tweezers. It was tedious work. I would work on it for a little while, take a break, then go back to it again. I actually worked on it over the course of three days before I finally got it cleared and working again. A couple times I almost gave up, when I wasn’t getting very far with picking the pieces of paper out. At one point I thought I’d just buy a new machine, but my frugal, responsible self couldn’t do that!

Finally, all the little bits of paper were picked out and the shredder was working again. I told the Lord I was sorry for not being more careful—and I asked Him if He wanted to teach me something from this.

Clear as a bell, I heard Him speak to my heart. I’m facing some really big decisions for both my care and Floyd’s care. I’ve had such a hard time getting clarity. I felt the Lord say to break the big problems down into small ones, making several small decisions instead of one big one. It immediately made sense, and I could see how that would apply to what I’m deciding. I breathed a deep sigh of relief and gratitude. Now I just need to work through all the smaller-sized decisions one by one. I still need His help and direction, but it seems more manageable.

I often say that God doesn’t waste any of the experiences we walk through in life, any of the sorrows we face. He uses them for good—for us, and for others. This is a fresh example of that. I made a mistake, but God turned it around to speak something important to me in what I’m walking through. Don’t you just love a wonderful, creative, faithful God like that?

“Jesus replied, ‘You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.'” John 13:7

“Lord, we know You use the struggles of life, the big and little trials, the frustrations, and the disappointments to lead us to good things, and to strength, when we allow You to help us and teach us. Thank You for the daily lessons.”