“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.’” Matthew 28:18


My husband used to lead backpacking trips into the mountains. He and some other experienced hikers would take groups of 12-year-old boys for week-long hikes with the express purpose of sharing Jesus in the great outdoors, as well as building community and friendship. This trip was much anticipated by these incoming 6thgraders, as it was something of an initiation into the more grown-up years. They would meet to plan and train for the hikes as the time drew near. Two nights before leaving, they would gather to make homemade beef jerky, assemble bags of GORP (granola, oats, raisins, and peanuts—with M&M’s thrown in for fun), and pack their backpacks with everything they would need for a week on the trail.

The boys learned innumerable lessons and formed close bonds that would see them through the precarious junior high years. One hard-learned lesson was for any boy who thought he could sneak in some extra, unapproved “stuff” he might need. One thing the leaders were firm on was that each boy would carry his own gear, and it would do him no good to complain about how heavy it was. They could always tell when they had a boy who was accustomed to being rescued by his parents: he brought too much stuff, believing he would be bailed out if it was too much for him to carry. What a rude awakening when he discovered that everyone else was already carrying a full load, and didn’t want to carry his on top of their own! The voice of authority knew what worked and what didn’t, and gave instructions accordingly. They were expected to heed that voice. Anyone see a spiritual lesson here?

One time, just arriving at the trailhead where the cars would be parked for the week, everyone was hoisting their packs onto their backs when a medium-sized light brown bear wandered to the edge of the parking lot, barely hidden by the trees. Everyone froze. The leaders prayed silently, facing a possibly dangerous situation and feeling the weight of responsibility for the safety of the boys.

Just then, a female ranger happened along. She saw what was happening, and walked right up to that bear, slapped it on its behind, and said loudly, “Go on your way, Goldie!” That bear looked at her, and ambled off. Obviously, they’d encountered each other before. The bear, though she had real strength and could have done damage, knew and obeyed the voice of authority.

Would you remember this story next time Satan comes prowling? Send him on his way. You have the voice of authority, the Word of God, the Spirit of God in you. Satan knows Who his authority is.

Lord, help us use the authority of Your Word by the power of Your Spirit against our enemy who comes as a roaring lion. Your weapons are mighty!