“If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.” John 12:26


Walk His Way Revisited
First Posted March, 2014

A number of years ago, my mom was visiting from out of state. She was getting on in years, but still led a very active life. One day while I was cooking dinner in the kitchen, I heard a sharp cry of pain from another end of the house. Running, I found mom on the floor. An area rug had slipped out from under her, and she was in quite a bit of pain.

“Help me up,” she moaned. She slowly stood, but was unable to put any weight on one leg. We managed to limp to the living room where she sat in a straight-backed chair, pain etching her face.

I decided, against her wishes, to call an ambulance. At the hospital, x-rays showed a broken hip. “I don’t have time for this!” she complained. The doctor said she would be staying in my home for a number of weeks before she would be able to sit in a car to travel the distance to her home. Furthermore, I would have to give her a daily blood thinner shot in her tummy. I was told that if I injected the needle slowly, I would cause her much pain. I was given instructions to “jab” her good and hard, and then she would feel almost nothing. I sure was out of my comfort zone!

Looking back on this and so many other “interruptions” that God has planned or permitted, I find myself asking, “Am I a willing servant of God?” I was willing to serve Him if it concerned my family, but what if it was for someone else?

A servant always does the will of his master. Can God do with me as He pleases? When He interrupts my life for any reason, do I accept His will for me? Do I complain and try to wiggle out of it? Do I hide from God when He asks hard things of me?

Am I willing to be used? We may say “yes” automatically, because to be used of God seems noble and honorable. To be counted worthy to be used by God? Count me in.

But then I must ask: Am I willing to be “used up”? To suffer? To die? To be tired and alone, weak and sick, in pain and without hope of rescue? Will I serve Him if this is what He calls me to?

There is a story told of a Roman soldier who was sent on an errand for his master. The errand would surely bring his death, yet he set out on his way to obey. He was stopped by a passerby who asked him if he was aware that he would die in trying to accomplish the task. The soldier replied, “It is necessary for me to go. It is not necessary for me to live.”

Lord, may I be counted as a willing servant. “Use me up” to bring Your kingdom. Let me walk on any path You have set before me, with a willing and thankful heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.