“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5

Predicaments and Wisdom

Some days with all that I’m facing, I just need a little fun and lightness in my life. I had an unusual fun thing happen this week. I think I’ve written before about the guinea fowl we have here in South Africa. They are strange birds. (I’m attaching a photo at the end.) They have big bodies, tiny heads, and even tinier brains! They are not the smartest creatures that God made!

I had one on my front deck this week. It managed to get there, but it couldn’t figure out how to get back to where it came from. It would go over to one possible exit, look at it, and run away. Then it would go to another possible way to return to where it came from, and look puzzled. It ran back and forth. It ran in circles. It ran around so much I thought it might die of exhaustion. I finally took pity on it—after watching and laughing for a while—and went out to chase it the right way. Then away it happily went, probably very relieved.

I was still chuckling from the whole episode when I thought of the lesson that was coming from it for my life. I’m sure I’ve been like that guinea fowl at times. I’ve gotten myself into a predicament, and I don’t know how to get out. I try one thing, and it’s not right. I try another, and it doesn’t work…until finally the Holy Spirit comes along and guides me the right way. I know I’m very relieved when that happens to me. And I was grateful for the “fun” event in my day with the guinea fowl.

But my mind kept coming back to the lesson! It started a flow of remembrance in my heart of how good and faithful the Lord has been the last few years to guide me the right way. I have faced so many situations where I truly had no idea which way to go or what to do. I’ve shared very openly in these updates, but I’ve probably only shared about a third of the things I’ve walked through.

The biggest decisions I’ve faced have been about treatment and care for both Floyd and myself. But I’ve also faced decisions about finances, about home maintenance and upkeep, about ministry situations, about the best use of my limited energy, about legal questions that have huge implications—and so many more things. Normally Floyd would be the one I’d process with. I’ve missed him immensely.

But the truly beautiful thing is that God has guided me question by question, step by step, decision by decision. I have earnestly cried out to Him asking for help and direction. My family and friends have been a great support, but many times they didn’t have the answers, either. God has graciously intervened and given me the wisdom I’ve needed time and time again, and confirmed those decisions with a sweet “peace that passes understanding.”

He has been my guide, counseling and directing me each step of the way. He has been my strength in every moment of weakness. He has been my sufficiency when I didn’t think I could keep going. He has been my comfort in lonely, tear-filled moments. He has given me practical wisdom in dealing with things that I have no experience with. He has been more than enough! He has never failed me, always been on time, and has lovingly encouraged me that I’ll make it through every twist and turn.

“Thank You for Your promise of wisdom when we ask. Help us to hear what You are telling us. Amen.”