“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Peter 4:10

Stewards of Grace

 After this past year studying 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter) with Her Ministry, the Lord has impressed upon me the tremendous GRACE He extends to me daily—the same grace I need to extend to others. This has actually been life changing and freeing in my daily encounters with others. I realize I’m not the judge or jury; I don’t have to constantly correct others or announce my opinion. I can rest in the Lord’s grace and extend it to others.

Today’s verse got my attention. The word manifold, meaning many-faceted, various or variegated, is a colorful description of God’s grace. His grace is a gift to each one of us, enabling us to enjoy the many differences in the body of Christ, all reflecting God’s creation. We do live with a holy standard that God established and gave in His Word, yet we apply grace in our relationships with others, praying for God’s best while keeping our own steps pure. Love covers a multitude of sins; love endures and bears all things. Only by constant prayer may we give others the grace He first gave us. The next day we do it over again. New opportunities, circumstances, and situations may come, but when our lives are directed by the Holy Spirit, grace pours out.

I have a family member that is hard to love because of lifestyle choices and past hurts. God has refreshed my heart towards him to give him grace, not because of who he is, but because I’m accountable to the Lord. It’s a struggle because I do have to use great wisdom and set boundaries to protect myself and others, yet I can listen and love, and pray for his soul. In each recent encounter with him, I have experienced God’s love and grace pouring through me, and I’m blessed because of God’s hand in the matter.

Daily we encounter people and situations for which we need God’s supernatural, manifold grace. Each situation is different and can be a challenge, but resting in His eternal supply, we are equipped and refreshed to resume our service to Him in all we say and do.

We have been given so much. Jesus is worthy of our attention and time. His love suffered long and endured, and He continues to bear all things in and with us. With this overwhelming love we certainly can be available to Him with a heart wide open, seeking opportunities to give this glorious gift to others. He gives us grace upon grace, and His grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9).

“Lord, for today, may we realize and apply the manifold grace You give for every diverse situation we encounter. May we be willing vessels, being good stewards of Your marvelous grace to do what You call us to do! Thank You Jesus, Amen.”