“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the lightof the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.’ ” John 8:12


I was praying last night, daring to hope I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in a situation with one of my kids, when the thought crossed through my mind: “I hope we aren’t going the wrong way, and the light is a train!” I rebuked the thought, but it lingered nevertheless.

I began to think about Jesus as the Light of the world, and about Genesis 1:3-4, when God spoke light into existence, and then He divided the light from the darkness. Jesus promised that as we follow Him, we won’t walk in darkness. I know that even though my family has been in a dark tunnel, His light has never left us.

Yesterday was a stressful day for our family—assignments past due at school, uncomfortable and frustrating situations at jobs, appointments and uncertainty about some health issues—some pretty dark stuff. Yet, as we all gathered in the living room last night, there was laughter, warmth and a peace that only comes from the Lord. He shed a beautiful light on us all—the light of His love.

God spoke light into existence, and His Son is Light. He divided the literal light from darkness and He does the same thing in our spiritual lives. The enemy of our souls would like nothing better than to keep us all in darkness. Once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the enemy loses the right to do so. We can stumble back into the darkness, but we can also turn again to the Light, knowing we will be accepted and loved. Sometimes the darkness takes the form of trials, and even though our family has been going through some, I know that in the midst of them, and onto the other side, there is Jesus—the Light of the world, the Victor over darkness.

“Father God, thank You for the gift of light, both literally and in the form of Your Son, the Light of the world. Help us to follow His Light out of the tunnels we find ourselves in at times. Amen.”