“O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! His mercy endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34


 I can’t believe its November already. Those carefree, hot, sun-filled hours of summer have morphed into shorter days, with beautiful fall colors and cooler temperatures. I’m more of a springtime fan than fall fan, but I truly enjoy God’s display of colorful trees and fresh, crisp air this time of year brings. A sense of coziness and family time excites my heart on the days ahead, yet also anxiety grips me because of the tasks and encounters ahead.

There are many things to be stressed about, yet many things to be thankful for all the more. It’s always fun to inventory the things I’m thankful for. My mind takes off in many directions with memories that make me smile. But also these thoughts can bring sadness for family members that have passed on. Sometimes memories need God’s intervention for perspective on past wins and mistakes.

Last year my dad went home to be with the Lord. I’ve been smiling at the good times, but also guilt arises at the things I could have done to make his life easier or more comfortable. I miss our visits and long talks of the way things were. That’s when the Lord reminds me, He’s in control. My dad is in God’s presence with joy! We had many wonderful times, and with my dad’s ever-present legacy, we continue on richer because of the memories. I’m thankful!

My favorite thing about this time of year is the early morning, fireside chats with the LORD. Wrapped in my fuzzy blanket, with my open Bible, I’m captivated by His grace and peace that soothes every portion of my mind and soul because of His presence and His Word speaking truth to my heart. Getting up a half hour or an hour earlier are well worth the life-changing moments He gives with the solitude. I appreciate the coziness of the fire and comforts the Lord has blessed me with physically and emotionally, yet spiritually I’m blessed beyond comprehension. This time equips me for every encounter of the day ahead; I’m filled with His love to pass on to others.

I’m giving thanks for my family, my friends, and the memories of passed loved one. But mostly I’m giving thanks for the Lord’s presence guiding and loving me so I can love on others; I’m privileged to be His vessel to expose truth and the greatest love ever given beyond human understanding.

Be blessed this season in God’s grace, knowing you are loved deeply and He knows your hurts from the past. Look forward to new joys every morning; be refreshed in His Word and love so you may continue to influence your world as His vessel as He pours His everlasting life through you.

“Thank You, LORD, that Your mercy endures forever! You meet us new every morning. You refresh us in Your righteousness so we can be who You’ve called us to be! Please bless our season with new joys because of Jesus’ love in us, as we give thanks.”