“Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18 NLT

 Walk the Plank!

“If a pirate is a Christian and walks the plank, and gets eaten by a shark, he’ll still go to heaven, right?”

There are a few things wrong with that statement, but coming from my 7-year-old grandson, it brought a huge smile to my face.

Since the commitment of a pirate would be to rob and pillage, and the commitment of a Christian would be to love and serve people as Jesus did, a Christian could not, would not, be a pirate. Therefore, if a pirate became a Christian he would have to leave his profession of pirating.

In such a scenario as the one in my grandson’s thoughtful head, if a pirate became a Christian, he would probably be made to “walk the plank,” in which case he would go to heaven.

In all seriousness, some of us have faced or will face “walk the plank” scenarios in our workplace or at school. This world does not tolerate Christianity as it did in the past. We are called “the haters,” directly opposite of the teachings of Jesus.

2 Timothy 2:24, 25, states, … a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, be patient, and in humility correcting those who are in opposition; God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth….” We must continue to show love and compassion to those calling us haters and not react by responding in like manner. Pirates do what pirates do. Sinners do what sinners do, which is to sin. We need to look past their sin to love them as Jesus does.

Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, so when we reach for our sword, “Matey,” be sure it is the sword of the Spirit. Reach out, show love, and bring them a plate of homemade cookies or a flower in a vase for their desk. If they continue to hate, pray for them like never before. Walking the plank—going out on a limb for someone—leaves us vulnerable. It is a sacrifice of love to lay down one’s life for a friend. When persecution comes, let us picture ourselves as the pirate who became a Christian, walking the plank with joy. Hopefully, that will bring a smile to our faces, and make them wonder what we have up our sleeve!

“Lord, please give renewed joy and love to face each day to those who are “walking the plank” because of their belief in You. Sometimes it seems You reveal to us a person’s dark side so that we can pray for them with more passion than before.  Thank You, Lord, that even when we do not feel like it, You are loving through us in the workplace, at school, and even at home. May Your love be felt through our kindness toward everyone.”