“…The people will labor in vain… and they shall be weary.” Jeremiah 51:58


I have known people who, in their later years, profoundly regretted living their one earthly life to gain what, in the end, did not matter. They labored to make their lives easier and more comfortable. They did not truly enter into providing for, or even seeing, the needs of others. Nothing they had done remained; nothing amounted to anything lasting. They realized that they could not take any of it with them when they pass on. They were so tired of all the pushing and striving, and had an acute sense of a used up, wasted life. They had labored in vain.

Profound regret makes one very tired. Drained. Spent. When we finally realize that we’ve been wrong all along, and there is little time to remedy it, we may lose hope. “What’s the use?” is a common response. Depression may follow.

Friends, it is NEVER too late—or too early—to be transformed into a servant of the Living God. He wants to use us for His purposes; His will and counsel SHALL be accomplished through His people. The kingdom work He prompts us to do always brings life and hope to ourselves and to others. Our spirits soar with the purposes of God, Who rules over the affairs of men.

WE may be His hands working in the life of others. Who knows what great things He will do in and through one person dedicated to loving Him by loving others? Who can tell what speaking His Word to someone will accomplish? God’s purpose is to bring abundant, satisfying life to this dying world.

As long as we are living, let’s BE one of the living, and not one of the dying. Honor the one earthly life He gave us by serving Him the rest of our days, whether they be many or few. The service He gives us power to perform will not be in vain; we will not regret loving others and praying for them. “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).

What will we choose?

The depression of regret, having labored for things that perish…

Or a rejoicing heart in loving service to Him?

“Father, show each of us the many ways we can serve You with our lives. Open our eyes and ears each day to the needs of others. Let us hear cries for help and moans of despair, and give us the boldness and confidence to reach out. You have spoken Your Word to us; now may we speak it to others. May all our labors be for Your glory and kingdom. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”