“She has done a good work for me…” Mark 14:6

The Essential You

Recently I attended a gathering of the women who actively participate in the ministry to the women of Little Country Church. I was impressed with the scope and depth of talents, gifts, abilities, and skills present in the room.

There were writers, teachers, artists, mentors, organizers, counselors, musicians and singers. Go-getters were in attendance, those who were leaders and enthusiastic visionaries. Complementing these were women who were attentive to detail and follow-through who would come alongside and see the vision carried through to completion.

There were loud, boisterous women and quiet, soft spoken women. There were young women, old women and women somewhere in the middle. Well-to-do women were present, as well as those who had to pinch those pennies. There was joy and hope and faith filling that room. Here was a splendid spectrum of holy women. All these in their rich variations were ready to serve the Lord and do good works for the kingdom.

Mary was prompted by the Spirit of God to anoint Jesus at that meal in Bethany. She was different from her brother Lazarus and unlike her sister Martha. Yet all of them were the beloved of God. They each had their part to play.

I want to encourage each one of you to play your part, to contribute to the whole of what God is doing in our day. Don’t compare yourself with others. Don’t disqualify yourself. There is a good work God created uniquely for you to do. You may not look like the others. Your act of devotion may not be understood.  Mary could not do it all, but she could do this. Her obedience spoke greater things than even she knew. Jesus knew and commended her.

We are all a part of the whole. We are members of the Body of Christ. We need each other. I need your gifts and presence in ministry as you need mine. Do not allow anything to keep you from your Holy Spirit calling.

“Father, You have woven us together. Your church is a thing of beauty. May we always honor You as we serve together in this sisterhood of faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”