“For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth… in every place. Your faith toward God has gone out, so that we do not need to say anything.” 1 Thessalonians 1:8


While cleaning out some files last weekend, I came across an old Bible study roster from 1987. On this page were the names and addresses of women I had met so many years ago when I was new to this area. We sat across the table from one another every week for six months, studying God’s Word, talking about our lives, struggling to make sense of hard things, and rejoicing in answered prayer.  According to the roster, we were studying the book of James.

The names seem familiar to me, but their faces are gone from memory. What I most remember is the sense of community—of belonging to a group. I had no children yet. Since many of the women were much older and wiser than I was, I felt a little awestruck at being allowed to participate. I would rather have sat in a chair off to the side, listening and learning from these mature Christian women. Somehow, they made me feel welcome—I know this is true, because I remember that I stayed with the study until the end.

I don’t remember anything anyone said—not a single word—although I do still use a recipe one of them passed on to me. But I do remember being in the group—included, valued, invited. This obviously went a long way in giving me direction for womanhood in the years to come. I learned about smiling and hugging, and looking others in the eye when they shared, and loving and listening and reaching out. I learned about hospitality and caring and godly friendship. (And I REALLY learned the book of James.) In joining this group, I had placed myself in a position of being strengthened by women who had my future in their past.

The value of being mentored by mature Christian women and belonging to a small Bible study group cannot be understated. It is an experience that may not be fully appreciated at the time, but I can look back at it 33 years later and see how it solidified my faith.

I get the same sense when I read books written by women of faith. A woman who has spoken “volumes” to me in her writings is Elisabeth Elliott; there have been so many others as well. I glean mountains of insight, wisdom, and teaching. In reading their books, I feel I belong to a group of mature Christian women, full of the same stuff that makes me tick. They understand me; they know what I need to hear. (Of course, I mean that the Spirit inspired them to write, then made sure the writing made its way into my hands!)

We can do this for each other today. We won’t all write a book or a devotional, but we can all touch the lives of other women.

“Father, help us to see how the things of our own lives can bless others. May we be willing to share it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”