“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4


The President of South Africa gave an address to the nation on Sunday night. He shared well and wisely. Suddenly everyone is taking things very seriously. Grocery store shelves were emptied the next day as people stocked up on supplies. There’s a bit of a panic mode from many people. Please pray for peace to people’s hearts.

After I wrote yesterday’s devotional mentioning how important prayer is, a friend from California sent me a wonderful scripture of how prayer (symbolized by incense in the Bible) stopped the plague.

Numbers 16:46-48: “Then Moses said to Aaron, ‘Take your censer and put incense in it, along with burning coals from the altar, and hurry to the assembly to make atonement for them. Wrath has come out from the Lord; the plague has started.’ So Aaron did as Moses said, and ran into the midst of the assembly. The plague had already started among the people, but Aaron offered the incense and made atonement for them. He stood between the living and the dead, and the plague was stopped.”

Social media is full of things we should do/not do in response to the virus. Some are helpful; many are not. But the single most important thing we can do is PRAY! A Christian leader has called for prayer and fasting this week. Thousands around the world will be joining. May I encourage you to participate? We need to ask God to stop this virus pandemic. There is power in our combined prayers. May God answer our prayers to “stop the plague” just as Aaron prayed.

We should also be looking for opportunities to love, help, and serve those around us. Many are frightened—we can minister peace and comfort to them. Some lack financial resources to buy supplies they need—we can share in whatever way we can with them. Some feel lonely and isolated—we can provide a listening ear and an encouraging word. There are myriad ways to love and help others during this time. Let’s have our spiritual “antenna” up in sensitivity to extend God’s grace in this challenging time.

It can be as simple as speaking calming words to someone having a panic attack, giving a smile or a loving word to someone who seems distressed, asking someone if you can help if they seem confused, letting someone take an item off a shelf before you, sharing some supplies with a neighbor who doesn’t have any, calling someone who is lonely…small, simple acts of love during this uncertain time can have a BIG effect.

May God help us and use us as we face this unprecedented time! I am trusting that, in ways only He can do, He will break into this global situation with good things!

Lord, give us insights into ways we can love on other people during this time.