“Like an open book, You watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before You, the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.” Psalm 139:16 MSG

Written In His Book

I have been suffering from tinnitus in my right ear for 20 years. Tinnitus is a constant ringing in the ear or ears with a low or high-pitched sound, a clicking or hissing sound, or the sound of rushing water. There are other sounds as well—some come and go. Many people suffer from this, and specialists make no reference to a cure.

My tinnitus began with a low hissing sound which would come and go, then developed over the years to a constant hissing noise accompanied by a high pitched ringing sound. Recently it has advanced to the sound of loud rushing water and a ringing sound that occasionally wakes me up at night.

As co-leader for Her Ministry Bible Study, it is extremely difficult to hear the other women speak in our group as we sit around the table to discuss the lesson of the prior week. This suffering has created an intense interference in my life, along with exhaustion from the energy spent to listen and hear correctly.

My doctor referred me to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist. The tinnitus has caused a 50% hearing loss in my right ear—my left ear is good. He ordered an MRI on my head and neck.  (He was anticipating finding a small tumor or blockage in the ear canal—which a person acquires from tinnitus—therefore surgery would be in order. The tumor is not usually cancerous, but can grow to the capacity of hindering other parts of the brain—hence causing other issues.)

I struggled with the idea of having an MRI because I lost my sister two years ago to an inoperable brain tumor that was cancerous. I fought the tinge of fear that entered my being—I was afraid that a similar diagnosis would be mine as well. God reminded me of the many times He brought me through difficulties on my journey with Him. I called upon my prayer warriors, and God replaced my fear with His peace.

The MRI results: no tumor and no blockage in my ear canal! Praise God! My ENT referred me to an audiologist to see if I was a candidate for a high tech hearing aid (usually not the case with a person with tinnitus because it may exacerbate the condition). God saw fit to take care of me with a “smart” hearing aid—it is programmed to my personal hearing condition and adapts to my lifestyle. I can hear! I still have tinnitus, but it should lessen over time.

I am forever thankful and blessed to be a child of the One True King!

“Lord Jesus, we thank You for being with us in all stages of our life. We are continually thankful! Amen.”