“We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed.” 2 Corinthians 6:3-10

Call to Ministry

Walk His Way Revisited

First posted in November, 2019

I am somehow bewildered and stunned to find myself in ministry. How did I ever get here? I did not seek it. In fact, I tried to run. And yet the love and grace of God trumped all my flimsy reasoning. You see, He is love and life at the core of who I am and I cannot deny Him. This ministry of grace is a high privilege and thus I want to do ministry well.

When I use the term ministry I do not mean being on staff at a church or standing in a pulpit. That may well be what your ministry looks like, but it can look vastly different. You may be the only Christian testimony at the office. You may be the mother training up children in the way they should go. Ministry happens wherever believers intersect the lives of non-believers, the lives of people in need, the lives of those broken and hurting.

Take a moment to read 2 Corinthians 6:3-10. These verses are such an inspiring and beautiful description of a life of ministry. Here is a high and lofty standard of servanthood. What riches and what wisdom are contained in these stirring words! They challenge me. Can I live like that?

Can I be so mindful of others as to give no offense? Can I protect the name of Jesus by my patient, courteous, and kind behavior? Can I lay down my rights, my preferences, and my opinions for the sake of ministry? Can I deny myself and take up the cross?

I must be willing to work, to endure, to go without comforts, to study, to bear indignities, to depend on the Holy Spirit, to sincerely love, to speak truth, to be used as an instrument in God’s hand for His purposes, to keep myself holy, to be misunderstood, to remain humble, to bear the world’s criticism, yet rejoice in it all, knowing the riches of His grace—and being willing to give it all away.

They call it ministry and if done right, it makes many rich. Let us aspire to live out these verses in our daily walk, that God may be glorified.

“Father, such amazing love has transformed us, and our heart’s desire is to walk as Jesus walked. Fill us anew with your Holy Spirit that we may be about our Father’s business. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”