“Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah what He had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.” Genesis 21:1-2 NIV

God’s Perfect Timing

I’ve started reading the Bible over again, and I never cease to be amazed at the sovereignty of God, and the amazing ways He keeps His promises in His perfect timing. Abraham was 75 years old, and without children, when God promised he would become the father of many nations. When he was 86, his wife Sarah decided God needed her help to make that come true (Genesis 16:1-2)—hence the birth of Ishmael and all the problems that came with him (Genesis 16:11-12).Finally at age 100, 25 years from the original promise, Abraham saw in Isaac the fulfillment of the promise as God intended (Genesis 21:5).

God’s timing isn’t like ours. Time is different to Him—and in the face of eternity, 25 years is nothing, although it can feel like an eternity has passed as we wait on Him to fulfill His promises. Honestly, we may never see the fulfillment of many of the promises He has given us. They may happen generations after we’re gone. And you know what? That’s okay.

When I base my life and expectations on feelings, I become like Sarah, “helping” God since He obviously forgot or became distracted or something! And, just like Sarah, it typically results in trouble and heartache. I love the fact that even though Sarah took matters into her own hands, God still fulfilled His promise through her. She didn’t disqualify herself—there were consequences, but God kept His promise and used her in an incredible way, at the age of 90! That gives me tremendous hope.

When I base my expectation of the fulfillment of a promise from God on faith, then I know, eventually in His timing, He will bring it to fruition. This gives me peace.

“Father God, help us to set aside our feelings and expectations of when and how You are going to or should fulfill Your promises in our own lives. Help us purpose to let You take care of them, in Your way and in Your perfect timing. Amen.”