“I saw that thorns had grown up all over it, the ground was covered with weeds, and its stone wall was broken down.” Proverbs 24:31 NET

Weeds Choke Out Peace

I have a rose bush named Peace that was given to me after a neighbor passed away—the new owners were going to dig it up. I’ve had it for years now. It produces beautiful, fragrant yellow blossoms with pink painted on the tips of the petals, much like a sunrise. I have to admit I haven’t been in my backyard much lately and was distressed to discover the bush was surrounded by tall, sharp grasses or weeds (as the cuts on my hands will attest). As I began to pull and cut away them away, I saw their roots had surrounded, and were choking out, the rose. It has a few new pitiful leaves and growth on it, but nothing like it usually does by this time of year.

The grasses and weeds did not want to give up their land; their roots had fanned out to capture a lot of soil and dig in for the long haul. The more I pulled, the more resistance I felt. It made me think about the weeds in my life that were choking out my peace: fear, frustration, unforgiveness, resentment, rebellion, weariness, busyness…you get the idea.

It became a much bigger deal than just pulling weeds—this was also a spiritual battle I needed victory in. Freeing my Peace rose would somehow help bring me peace.

As I pondered how this could be true, I realized as I was pulling and yanking and battling against those roots, I was allowing Christ to do the same with the roots of the weeds in my life and in my heart. His Spirit spoke the words of John 14:27 to my spirit: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

I have sore arms and back from the victory over the literal weeds and a bit of a sore heart from the victory over some of my spiritual ones. But as always, God is so good and faithful.

Soon I hope to see roses in my yard and joy returning to my heart. As Isaiah 35:1 says, The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose.”

“Father God, I’m praying for victory over the spiritual weeds that choke the peace from Your daughters’ lives. Help us turn to Your Son, Jesus, who gives us lasting peace. May we be as fragrant roses, telling of Your great love. Amen.”