“And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” Luke 2:7

Love Was Born in a Manger

What do you think of when someone says that Christmas is coming? Is it panic, stress, overspending, and debt? Perhaps it is colorful lights, beautiful decorations, and the joy of the season and Christmas music. Our senses are piqued with nostalgic remembrances. The sights and smells of the season bring back wonderful memories for most of us.

We always went to church for Christmas Eve service, and we always had our “verses” memorized for our Christmas program. Then, on Christmas morning, my sister and I were kept in our bedroom until our daddy finished setting up the tripod in the living room. We wiggled and giggled with anticipation while our mother brushed and curled our hair. When all was ready, we ran down the hall one at a time so Daddy could capture our gleeful faces of surprise and delight as we saw the Christmas tree surrounded by presents.

I may have lost some of that childhood anticipation but I am still enamored by all the music, sights and smells of the season. Now more mature in age, and hopefully more mature spiritually, it is all about remembering the birth of my King Jesus, God’s ultimate gift to us and the anticipation of His return.

Yes, ‘tis the season to be jolly but even more it is the season to love everyone well. That is why He came. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” God sent His Love to be born in a manger. Those who know Jesus know the kind of love He has for everyone. “’Tis the season” to tell people “Jesus loves you. Jesus came from heaven to show you God’s love.”

As those silver bells ring, don’t let the stress of the season overwhelm you. Let His love overwhelm you so that His love will splash over onto others. Let’s make this a season of celebrating the love born in a manger, and demonstrate it.

“Father, Your indescribable love sent Your Son to earth as a babe in a manger to show us the way to You. Jesus willingly paid our “price into heaven” by giving His blood on that old, rugged, splintered cross. Help us Lord, to say “thank You” by loving the people for whom Jesus died.”