“But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3

Plain Words

Some of us have complicated thoughts and use a large vocabulary and rambling sentences when we speak. Others of us use plain words and express simple thoughts in short sentences. The Bible does both.

When Satan deceived Eve, the Bible says he was being crafty or cunning. What did he deceive her with? Nice clothes? A peek at something forbidden? Some drug that would put her in a stupor, thus allowing him to brainwash her?

No—he lured her with the potential to be more spiritual. Eat the fruit, and then you’ll be like God. Don’t you want to be like God? Don’t you want to know what He knows?

God’s command was to not eat the fruit of that certain tree. Eve stalled obedience by adding to that simple command—she told Satan that not only could she not eat of it, but could not even touch it. Of course, touching a fruit is not nearly so appealing as eating it. Touching it wasn’t even a consideration. It might lead to stronger temptation, but it wasn’t the sin. The sin was to disobey God—to eat of it.

It was all pretty simple. Plain-speaking God left nothing to interpretation or negotiation. Just. Say. No.

Why does the potential to be more spiritual appeal to us? Do we think God will love us more? Get more “inside us” somehow? Will He hear our prayers more clearly, or be more inclined to answer them? Why, in fact, do we want to know what He knows?

We must learn to receive the Bible’s words as they are. This Book was God-breathed. It uses simple words in places, and when we read complicated passages such as in Hebrews, we ask God to open our eyes. We receive plain teachings, simple explanations, and direct commands for our guidance. When some of the layers of plain talk are peeled back, we may find more depth is offered—but we should never think more spirituality is needed to walk with God.

“Father, Your Word is precious to us. Thank You for making it understandable for all people, of all abilities, in all times and places. Thank You that it speaks to all things in our lives. We offer You praise through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”